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Moshi Kids
Moshi is a healthy form of entertainment for kids–full of games that support active play and stories that inspire fun, exploration, relaxation or sleep.
Services Provided
Content Creation
Animation Assets
Email Marketing
Presentation Design
Moshi produces content and entertainment for parents that aim to raise their children in mindful and healthy environments. Honk was brought on to seamlessly upkeep their social media content introducing a redefined color scheme appealing to a new, target audience. We ensured our work was consistent with Moshi’s brand identity, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness and relaxation. Honk used typography and color schemes that aligned with Moshi’s branding guidelines, creating a cohesive and recognizable content keeping their platform presence consistent and familiar.

Honk’s work extended into helping with the designs of presentations used internally and externally for parent-oriented events; in addition, we played an important role in supporting their creative team during their rebranding transition.
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Even if you're not exactly sure what you need, our team will help you map out your creative requirements and brainstorm what will best support your goals. Contact us today to discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your unique needs.
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